
Welcome to Green Class Years 3 and 4

 Green Class' teacher is Ms Phillips. She is helped by Mrs White and Mrs Evison.

 Our Class novel is The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.

In writing we will be creating a character and setting description. We will be writing our own myths and looking at shape poems.

  We will be learning about magnets and forces in science.

 In art we will be learning about the paintings of Henri Rousseau. We will be completing a water colour painting of a jungle scene.

 We will be learning about fruit in French and about French culture..

 In computing we will be looking at online safety.

In RSHE we will learning about Living in the wider world

 Being Responsible -coming home on time

 Computer Safety online bullying

The working world: chores at home

A world without judgement: breaking down barriers

Being responsible: stealing.

Our RE topic is Salvation.

In our PE lessons we will be learnng gymnastics.

 Our maths topics are: multiplication & division, fractions and decimals and length in year 4. In year 3 we are learning multiplication and division, fractions, length and perimetre, capacity and mass.

 The class will be practicing their times tables and spellings every week in class.

 PE with JB sport is on Monday. Friday we are swimming; remember your costumes and towels.


We will set homework from time to time, however the children should practice their reading, spellings and times  tables at home. Children can change their books once they have read shorter books a couple of times (and understand the story and can talk about it) and longer books once. It is really beneficial to discuss your child's reading with them so that they gain a better understanding of what they have read.


 Year 4s will have a multiplication test in June 2024. they are expected to know all of their times tables for quick recall. A good website to practice is Mathsframe multiplication Tables Check.

There are no news articles at present.