Yellow Class Years 1 and 2

Welcome to our Class page!

Our teacher is Mrs Saxon and she is helped by Mrs Hughes, Mrs Sewell and Miss Tiffin.


Welcome to Yellow Class!

This term, our topic is 'Wriggle and Crawl'!

Grab your coat and pooter – we’re going out and about on a mini-beast hunt!

Sweep your nets in puddles and ponds and lift up logs to see who’s home. Then set up your own mini-beast laboratory and observe their every move.

Add notes and labels and ask your own research questions – just like a real entomologist! Learn about bees and worms and butterflies too. Can you make a food chain to show who eats who?

Carry out investigations to find out more, like how far a snail travels in a day and how a spider catches its prey. Then animate to show how your favourite bug transforms from one form to another, perhaps a caterpillar to a butterfly or a maggot to a fly…urgh!

On your belly, legs at the ready, it’s time to wriggle and crawl!



PE is on a Monday afternoon with JB Sports and Thursday afternoon with Mrs Saxon.



Phonics books will come home on a Friday and be collected in on Wednesday. 

Your child will be sent home with a yellow reading diary and a reading book. Please read with your child and record each reading session in your child's yellow reading diary. Each time your child reads, they will earn a raffle ticket.



There are no news articles at present.