
At Mareham Le Fen we believe in involving teachers, support staff, pupils and parents in our assessment process. We strive to achieve a continuous loop of information between all involved.

How do we assess at Mareham?

There are two types of assessment used at Mareham; formative and summative.

Formative assessment is the most frequent type of assessment used; teachers and teaching assistants use opportunities to understand what children know about a subject. Teachers will use class discussions, group work, evidence in children’s books, and observations to assess the progress that children are making over time.

Summative assessment is less frequent - this is the use of tests or more formal assessments to find out what children have learnt. At Mareham we use a range of assessments each term to give a summative judgement used for tracking children's progress. Our assessment weeks give teachers information about children's attainment in reading, writing and maths. This information is then stored in our tracking software and used to monitor attainment and progress across the school.

Assessment Materials

Teachers use key objectives in reading, writing, mathematics, science and the wider curriculum to make judgements about your child's strengths and areas for development across the curriculum. We aim for all children to achieve year group expectations by the end of the year.

If your child is struggling to achieve some of the objectives or their teacher is concerned about any aspect of their progress they will talk to you to discuss next steps. They may also seek advice from the subject leader, assessment coordinator or our Special Educational Needs coordinator.

At the end of the year your child's teacher will make an overall judgement in each area of the curriculum and report it to you in their end of year report.

ARE = age related (this is where the majority of children should be);

B = working below age related;

A = working above age related


Please Click HERE for more information about KS1 and KS2 SATs. Click here for information about 2021 SATs.

DFE Assessment Results

Compare our school's performance